Solo Project- 15 weeks- PET felt
Maverick Concepts
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Who is Maverick?
Design and Fabrication Lab
Maverick Concepts is a creative design and fabrication lab. They partner with clients to create innovative visual experiences that are impactful and elevate brands using PET felt.
Maverick Concepts wants to enhance industry sustainability via PET felt (which they call ArtFelt), by creating multipurpose structures for offices and multi-use environments.
PET plastic or polyethylene terephthalate is a recyclable plastic that water bottles, straws, and other household products are made of. These items are recycled and turned into durable PET felt.
Because of this material’s density, it also has sound dampening properties, making it ideal for many environments.
Maverick is interested in making products that would sell from business to business, which narrowed the available audience a bit. Because of this, we focused on spaces such as restaurants, coffee shops, offices, and study spaces.
Because of the sound dampening qualities, it is very helpful in crowded spaces.
Local Research
Exploring Auburn University’s campus to find uses of PET felt and observe what areas were most popular for students and why.
Structures (geo clouds) coming from the ceiling provide out-of-the-way sound dampening
Mobility (wheels) is important in larger spaces where students study
Students value privacy when studying alone or with groups
Textures adds intrigue these purely functional sound dampening boards
• Privacy is valued in shared spaces • Texture gave interiors dimensionality and interest • Color pops make an environment more inviting • Mobility allows many people to use a product in different areas
Chosen Direction…
The Moonwall
This idea could be used in many different environments, and it has a multi-use function. The larger surface area would promote privacy, which is ideal for study spaces. This design also doubles as a great sound dampener.
metal post for rotation
PET felt
Low-Fidelity Mockups
This wall would need feet to support its 8’ height
This simple foot mimicks the round aspects of the wall design, and also had no sharp corners so it would glide easily across a floor
High-Fidelity Development
so the question became “how was the center whiteboard going to spin”?
Although this clamp would secure and rotate the whiteboard; the issue with this hardware is that if someone were to write on the white board, the pressure would cause the circle to spin.
So, I needed to develop a way to allow the spinning, but “lock” it into positions so a user could write without the whiteboard spinning
The Solution
This revised clamp uses a slope and groove pattern to allow a user to easily turn the center circle and “lock” it into different intervals.
Because of the grooves, it would be possible to write on the whiteboard without it spinning.
textured variation adds intrigue
slimmed variation is a privacy screen
the original
elegant bent aluminum feet are easily manufactured and give support to the walls
each element of this design can be color customized to match the business
fluted acrylic slats allows more privacy
this slimmer design provides privacy in smaller settings while simultaneously providing sound dampening
hollow caps were embedded between the PET felt sides allowing the rods to freely spin inside the hollow cap
light weight (mobility)
business to business sales potential
multi-function use
sound dampening
Key Points
sound dampening
light weight (mobility)
business to business sales potential